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Trip To Merrickville

SO my business partner, Kelly, has been dabbling (expertly) in an editing style of her photography. Her art as been inspired by and compared to the work of Angelina Wrona.

Kelly decided to message her and get feedback on her work.

With some messages back and forth, Kelly was offered an opportunity to work directly with her, and invited me and my hairdresser Lorrie to come!


I can not begin to explain hoowwwww amazing this trip was.

The plans were to work with Angelina and her family on a shoot with the wide eyed theme. What we ended up doing was booking other locals to do shoots with the same idea. We ended up not only working with some amazing people, but also were able to stay in Angelina's Gallery Lofts!

Link to bookings here:

Sunday I worked 8-4, and I was picked up with a full car and two of my favorite people. We packed up all our goodies and gadgets and hit the road. We sang 90-2000's until we had to pee our pants, then as we got to Brockville we hit eh Super 8. Our plan was to go out for dinner considering we only got there at about 11:30pm. But we were bummed out to see not much was we stopped at Shoppers, got some microwavable bistro's and vegetated at the hotel.

Monday morning we made our way to the gorgeous village known as Merrickville, and we were amazed at the beautiful scenery! We were squeaking with excitement as we saw the store, and were introduced to Angelina Wrona herself. We settled into the Loft, and prepared for our clients and were so amazed at the great turn out, as well as the great positive vibe Merrickville gave off. We enjoyed lunch at the local pub, and got treats from the candy shop.

Angelina had been gracious enough to not only let us stay at the lofts but also equip us with gorgeous garments from her store and personal wardrobe. I can easily say that everyone looked super stylish and modeled with ease knowing they looked great!

To check out that merch, see her Anarchy Gallery here:

Tuesday we worked with more incredible people and had another adventure as we went out to find the closest Walmart...during a tornado warning. The wind was crazy, and the lightning lit up the sky like glowing veins. Unfortunately the sky decided to demonstrate this glorious specter....when I wasn't recording. Then we were treated to dinner at Angelina's wonderful home, and had great, productive, and professional conversations about Sudbury and the differences between there, and Merrickville.

Wednesday was our last day to work with Angelina and her family and the results are going to blow your mind! After we went around the town and visited the Wick Witch store (also people who did a shoot with us) and got some amazing products there~

Check out their stuff here:

In closing, we had a great time, worked with amazing people, and I had the biggest smile on my face the whole face hurts so much it's crazy...

Be sure to check out the other folks invoved in making this trip amazing:

Kelly/A Fine Line Designs and Photography:

Hair by Lorrie Blais:

I can't on a scale of one to even...I literally can't

Stay tuned for the results!


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