So I've always been a firm believer in setting goals when it comes to modeling!
First it was to be a Suicide Girl (Check)
Then I wanted to work with photographers outside of Sudbury (Check)
Next, I wanted to be published in an international magazine (Check check check check ;P )
After then I wanted to be a part of an agency (Check check) .
I wanted to get published in Dark Beauty Magazine, online and in print (Check check)
BUT with my publication goals I've been very particular in what I send and where I send them.
To me, it's important to understand that as a model you are your brand. This means you have to do everything you do with purpose, and stay consistent with your values and beliefs, limitations and goals or you could easily be pulled apart by this very judgmental scene.
What could possibly go wrong with the "wrong" publication?
Well..what if this publication promotes body shaming? Promotes racism or sexism or something you don't firmly believe in or support? You could be seen as like minded...
What if the publication is known for being bad quality, or known for accepting just any old images? It could easily take down your worth as a model.
IN THE END, I am not bad mouthing any particular magazine, or publication. I believe that if you do enough research and send your images off and they are accepted and you're excited...BE EXCITED!
BUT do your research first...find out what magazines support the same ideas you do, and that you'd be more than happy to be a part of!
ALSO some magazines have themes, so doing your research could actually end up helping you plan ahead for shoots.
EG: X-magazine has a December seasonal theme, SHOOT in OCTOBER and perfect everything you need and BAM!
In the end I'd just like folks to aim big with their modeling careers and get your beautiful faces in some primo publications! Let's set the bar high and keep it there because modeling isn't easy, and we only want the best, doing their best. :D
- Most magazines DO NOT want pre-published work, this means images that have been posted on social media, facebook, instagram, other magazines, etc. They want exclusive stuff! Keep that in mind when you plan shoots!
I normally just don't post stuff on my social media until after I've attempted to send it off to magazines, if I don't get a response I will post it. :D
- ALL magazines want high quality images, but some prefer low res submissions, or dropbox links. MAKE SURE YOU READ THEIR IMAGE REQUIREMENTS!
- Some magazines have themes, mood boards, etc. Do your best to look at their previous work to get an idea of the quality expectations they have, as well as things that are likely accepted.
- Most magazines have a preferred size or dimensions to the images submitted!
- If you're planning on sending a landscape type image make sure the subject or the main detail is not will get a fold on yo face!