AHH I did it!
I made a patreon...
I'm so excited to get started I don't know what to do with my hands!
So what is this patreon for you may ask...
Well I want to expand my modeling to all over Ontario..but funding is hard to come by when I have a limited income and limited time. What I mean by that is, I work x days a week for regular pay, then work the other days of the week, promoting, researching, shooting, editing, traveling, and doing makeup-styling, etc for other shoots.
I did say I was planning on getting a second job, and I still am!
But, why not do both? Have...my 2 jobs...my makeup, modeling, styling, diverxity, harnesses, merch, paintings/art, AND a patreon!?
I mean...who needs sleep anyways....
What is free time?
WHO CARES I'm doing what I love!! :D