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MSH update we haven't been on for a while....

BUT here is why!

So first, our tech guy had to we had to go on an adventure to find another guy to help out...

THEN one of our episodes just...disappeared like...poof

THENNNNN we were having mic issues...

AND THENNNN one of the cameras pooped out

ANDDDDD the new one we got was sassing out...

AFTER THAT...our main head cheese guy had to go to surgery....

So it's just been one thing after another...BUT so far, we're on for tomorrow (not live..not till we get that bug squashed) and we're planning on doing episodes on Photoshop and what a model/photographer can expect and what are some things to consider, Steriotypes of models and what's the T, Research and what to look for when looking to work with other professionals or resources, Male/Masculine modelling since our last dude video POOFED...AND sooo many more!

So make sure you tune in..but in the mean time, check out our other videos, and our instagram


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